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Music Session / Reflection Movie

Presentation -5



 台湾壽山國中、栃木県南河内第二中学、三重県宮川中学、の3校共同プレゼンテーションです。共同プレゼンテーションは初の試みで、楽しみでもあり、ドキドキもしています。事前にもインターネットなどを通して交流活動もしてきましたが、当日face to faceで仲間のみんなと会えるのがとても楽しみです。


This is a Taiwan-Japan cooperative presentation.
It's our first time to try the cooperative presentation. So we're excited and anxious as well. We've had contact with each other in advance through the internet, but we're looking forward to seeing our friends face to face.

The theme of our presentation is "Natural Disasters". In recent years many disasters have struck Asian countries, including Taiwan and Japan.
In fact, in Japan, a big typhoon hit Mie prefecture and caused much damage. We will introduce natural disasters that have occurred in various areas, show some real experiences they faced, and think about what we learned from them.

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