Sakura Science Exchange Program
Japan Tour Report
教授・佐藤慎一 事務担当 影戸 誠
1 Overall of the Project
1-1 Duration 2022,09,05-09,11
1-2 カンボジアからの参加者と目的
1-3 予算規模 275万円
Budget size: 2.75 million yen
1-2 Objectives and Participants
- Training for teachers in information science at the Siem Reap Teacher Training College and the Phnom Penh Teacher Education College.
1-3 予算規模 275万円
Budget size: 2.75 million yen
1-4 目的 Implementation of JSET(Japan Science Engineering Technology Agency)Sakura Science Program の実行
・国立研究開発法人 科学技術振興機構のさくらサイエンスプログラムの実行
・情報科学、ICT 教育の実施、デザイン、今後の日本の大学間との連携研究の競技と実行
1-4 Purposes
∙ Execution of the Sakura Science Program of the National Institute of Science and Technology Agency
Implementation of information science and ICT education, design, competition and execution of future collaborative research with other Japanese universities.

2 研修場所と内容
2-1 日本福祉大学にけるVRの教育利用とメタバースについて 講義とワークショップ
2 Location and Contents
2-1 Lecture and Workshop for Educational Use of VR and Metaverse at Nihon Fukushi University
2-1 Lecture and Workshop for Educational Use of VR and Metaverse at Nihon Fukushi University

2-2 鍋屋上野浄水場 環境教育、メコン川の利用の視点から
2-2 Nabeya-Ueno Water Filtration Plant Environmental Education, Perspectives on the Use of the Mekong River
Drinking water (water in Japan that can be drunk from faucets, environmental education and daily life)

名古屋市と公園 Nagoya city and Park

2-3 トヨタ産業技術記念館
2-3 Toyota Commemorative Museum of Industry and Technology
History of Toyota Motor Corporation, and future industrial technology
How the exhibits should be displayed, and the activities of English instructors for publicity
How to effectively utilize exhibits in educational activities.

2-4 Vending Machine of Bullet Train ticket
Transportation System and ICT
Train Ticket Machine of Bullet Train

2-5 Comparison to Angkor wat site
2-5 World Heritage Protection, Water, and ICT
ICT services for city buses

2-6 日本福祉大学、立命館大学、関西大学、京都産業大学 対面にて協働研究協議
Hybrid collaborative online Learning ,
2-6 Nihon Fukushi University, Ritsumeikan University, Kansai University, Kyoto Sangyo University Face-to-face collaborative research discussion
Hybrid collaborative online learning
Linking classes, bringing together information science knowledge, and improving the communication skills of students learning English as a foreign language.

2-7 Off Meeting, After seminar Communication.
セミナー後の和やかなパーティ 日本型振り返り会の体験
Harmonious party after the seminar Experience a Japanese-style review meeting.

2-8 Future School Classroom Visit.
情報機器を総合的に使い、学習環境の最も基本的な、教室のデザインについて論議を行う。キーワードはLearner Centeredであり、Attention, Relevance, Confidence、Stisfactionをキーワードに、したで教室デザインについては話し合う。
現在日本でお行われているGIGA school Projectについて論議した。
2-8 Future School Classroom Visit.
Using information devices comprehensively, the most basic of learning environments, classroom design, will be discussed. The keyword is Learner-Centered, and That design will be discussed based on the keywords:, Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction.
We discussed Society 5.0, a new digital society currently underway in Japan, in which the government provided one laptop for each student.
We discussed the GIGA School Project currently taking place in Japan.

2-9 事前研修成果を使った教育用デジタルコンテンツ開発
- Learner Centered の考え方や、Instructional Designの考え方をとりいれた、ネットワークを活用した学習教材モデルを作成
- 学校にいけない子供たちの自宅教材モデルを討論
2-9 Development of Educational Digital Contents Using the Results of Prior Online Training
- Report on training results to Cambodia
- Creation of a model for learning materials utilizing the network, incorporating the concepts of Learner Centered and Instructional Design.
- Discussed a model for teaching materials for children who cannot go to school at home.

2-10 名古屋市科学館の訪問
2-10 Visiting Nagoya City Science Museum
Learning about exhibits that arouse interest in science

3 参加者のまとめ
3 Voices of participants
I realized that Japan is an ideal country and their technology are optimized.
Shinkansen trains that never cause accidents, subways that arrive within a few minutes on time. The rich industry and environment are created by technology and the wisdom of the people.
Sakura Science gave me the opportunity to experience and learn about them, firsthand.
I sincerely appreciate the invitation to meet with teachers and researchers from the proposed ASEAN countries.
When I met the Japanese people, I found their behavior to be courteous, polite, and respectful in many ways. Technology can be used in war. Democracy, and a sense of human rights are the key to a more prosperous world where technology can be used peacefully.
We are teachers and researchers who will study education science for the rest of our lives.
I would like to make the most of this experience by considering the correct application of educational science to the field of learning with ICT.
We would like to continue our research in collaboration with the Corona Disaster communication technology to improve education. I would like to use the knowledge of metaverse and VR gained this time to further improve education in Cambodia.
I am conducting research on “face recognition,” and would like to consider conducting research using the “Future School” we visited this time.
With the use of the legacies, the forefathers of Democracy and Educational Science, has left us, I would like to use these factors to foster global harmony.