2024:World Youth Meeting 2024:Theme





DateAugust,6th and 7th 2024



SDGs 世界平和を求める生き方」

" Striving for World Peace in Our Daily Lives”

"SDGs: Tackling the Root Causes of Conflict"



ガザでは 子ども、女性、の死亡が毎日伝えられる。イギリスでフランスで、ドイツで、世界各国で、まず殺すことをやめろ、停戦しろとの、デモや集会が起きている。時に激しい口論もあるだろう。

 私たちも、かれら同様に 停戦を強くのぞむ。すぐに殺人はやめてほしい。




 銃を捨て、ペンを執ることを、世界に呼びかけている。 彼らは 「日本の声」「私たちの声」をつたえようとしている。


賛成も、反対もしない、投票へも行かない。 「停戦を祈る」人間とは到底いえない。






WYMでの大会は あなたの声を発見し、会場にいる若者に、声を届ける場です。


世界について、まず自分との対話を開始し、発話してみよう。それこそ 自分に日常に、「世界平和」をつなげる 方法なのだろう。




In Gaza, children and women are being killed. Every day, in the UK, in France, in Germany, and around the world, demonstrations and rallies are being held, calling for a ceasefire and an end to the killing. These gatherings may trigger violent arguments among participating people. We, like them, strongly call for a ceasefire. Stop the killing, NOW.


Our concern is for the wars outside our countries, while we concern more for our peaceful and comfortable life, enjoying delicious meals and fashionable lifestyles.


If asked, we all will say we wish for an immediate cease-fire. We enjoy citizenship in our own countries. In the case of Japan, our representatives, acting for Japanese citizens, held the G7 Summit in Hiroshima, negotiating for a ceasefire. They call on the world to put down their guns and pick up their pens. They are trying to make "Japan's voice" and "our voice" heard. [but the turnout of young people has been very low.]


We are happy and comfortable. We are grateful for that. But first,  let’s actively campaign (for peace). Let's deepen the dialogue with ourselves and each other. Let's learn more about the policies of our own country at least.


The WYM is the place to discover your voice. It is the place to make your voice heard to among the young people who you will meet in this forum. You want to do something for the world? Why are you still doing nothing?

Let's start a discussion with each other about (how) the world (should be). Then let’s speak our thoughts. This will be the way to connect your daily life with world peace.



Prompts for your presentation theme



How to bring (connect with) the world in your daily life


おいしい、かわいい、こいばな について考える

You just say “Delicious”, “Kawaii”, and you just keep talking about love stories. Does this lead us anywhere?



Are we (sure that we are) connected to the world?


Inbound と世界平和 、日本の平和

Inbound, World Peace, and Japan's Peace


(前半)How to deal with the media / How we should see the media

(後半)and world peace / for peace-building



Get in the habit of watching world news


英語ニュースを聞く意味 それだけでいい!

Significance of listening to news in English: -- That's all you need to do, to start! --


Wouldn’t someone, who causes wars, where people openly kill each other, learn from history?


第二次世界大戦に学ぶ 鬼畜米英から友達に

Learning from World War II -- From “Demons” to Friends--



How JICA Contributes to World Peace