6th of Aug. 2010: Previous
Day |
Time |
9:20 |
丂 |
亂Opening亃 |
WYM Students Steering Committee |
丂 |
(15min.) |
9:35 |
丂 |
Opeing remarks |
Chair of WYM Students Steering Committee |
丂 |
(5min.) |
丂 |
Mr.Hond |
9:40 |
丂 |
Nihon fukushi university vice president |
丂 |
(5min.) |
丂 |
Prof.Niki |
9:45 |
丂 |
Adress from the honorable guest |
丂 |
(5min.) |
丂 |
9:50 |
丂 |
Adress from the honorable guest |
丂 |
丂 |
丂 |
丂 |
(5min.) |
丂 |
Mr.Ohkubo |
9:55 |
丂 |
Adress from the honorable guest |
丂 |
(5min.) |
丂 |
Mr.Kirii |
10:00 |
(15min.) |
Introduction of Pariticipating schools |
丂 |
10:15 |
丂 |
亂presenetation侾亃 |
丂 |
(10min.) |
丂 |
10:27 |
丂 |
亂Presentation2亃 |
丂 |
(10min.) |
丂 |
10:39 |
丂 |
亂Presentation3亃 |
丂 |
(10min.) |
丂 |
10:51 |
丂 |
亂presentation係亃 |
丂 |
(10min.) |
丂 |
11:05 |
(5min.) |
亂Lunch infromation 亃 |
Steering Committee |
11:10 |
(50min.) |
亂丂Lunch亃 |
丂 |
12:00 |
(15min.) |
亂Music Session亃 |
Nanzan International H.S, participating students |
12:17 |
亂Presentation5亃 |
丂 |
(10min.) |
丂 |
San-Min Home Economics & Commerce
Vocational H.S. |
12:29 |
丂 |
亂Presentation俇亃 |
丂 |
(10min.) |
丂 |
Kaohsiung Municipal Kaohsiung Senior High School丂Kaohsiung Municipal
Girls' Senior High School |
12:41 |
丂 |
亂Presentation俈亃 |
丂 |
(10min.) |
丂 |
12:53 |
丂 |
亂Presentation俉亃 |
丂 |
(10min.) |
丂 |
13:05 |
丂 |
亂Presentation俋亃 |
丂 |
(10min.) |
丂 |
13:17 |
丂 |
亂Presentation侾侽亃 |
丂 |
(10min.) |
丂 |
St. Paul's High School. 崅梇巗柧惤拞泏 |
13:29 |
丂 |
亂Presentation侾侾亃 |
丂 |
丂 |
丂 |
丂 |
(10min.) |
丂 |
13:40 |
(10min.) |
丂 |
WYM students steering committee |
13:50 |
(25min.) |
亂丂Photo session丂亃 |
丂丂丂丂丂 |
14:15 |
丂 |
亂Comment亃 |
Tokyo International University Prof.Igarashi |
丂 |
丂 |
亂Awards ceremony亃 |
丂丂丂丂丂 |
丂 |
丂 |
I-Shou Uni.. Dr. Daniel Ristumeikan Uni. Dr. Sakamoto |
丂 |
(30min.) |
丂 |
14:45 |
丂 |
丂 |
(5min.) |
丂 |
14:50 |
(10min.) |
亂Video reflection亃 |
15:00 |
丂 |
亂Closing亃 |
丂 |
丂 |
乮5min) |
丂 |
Students Steering Committee |