World Youth Meeting
History of the Event

 Since 1999, the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and  
technology has sponsored this international exchange event. 
Typical of this type  of international exchange, it uses the Internet and multimedia 
with high school  and university students participating in it. 

To succeed in events like this and  the world today, we think young people must 
acquire the ability to use the Internet,  computers and English. 
We've been holding the World Youth Meeting (WYM) to develop  
these abilities in students. This event provides an opportunity for people 
all  over the world to meet and develop friendships. 
Using the communication tools  mentioned above, 
they share information, ideas, and opinions through international  exchange 
and the interaction of different cultures.

 ・ Equip students with the Internet skills they will need in this information 
 ・ Increase the students' understanding of societies and cultures inside and outside  Japan;
 ・ Enable students to have a balanced world view and build their own identity;
 ・ Equip students with the ability to learn about other people, cultures, and societies.
