【SESSION 2】 RELIEF FROM THE EARTHQUAKE SMA N2 Yogyakarta: Ayu Rianna Amardhi, Dewinta Laksmi Vikantari Waseda University Honjo Senior High School : Atushi Ishii, Tatsuya Fukushima, Kisei Iguchi, Yusuke Nakamura, Ryuuta Nakano, Hiroshi Omiya
SMA N2 Yogyakartaチームは被災地の現状と現在までの復興の状況について報告します。 Part 1 (インドネシアチーム):「団結はジョグジャ復興のために」 1:震源地の写真や震災後の様子 2:どのように食料等の支援が行われているか 日本側は救援の中でも特に「教育」に焦点をあてて考えていきたいと思っています。 Part 2 (早大本庄チーム):「学校教育の現状」 1:現在の授業の形態と状況 インドネシアで起きた大地震で多くの学校が壊れましたが、その後どういった状況で彼らが勉強をしているのか 2:彼らが学校に来る理由 学校が壊れても、学校に来る人が多いのはなぜか 3:私達にできること 1、2を踏まえたうえで私達にできる彼らが求める本当の支援とは
SMA N2 Yogyakarta and Waseda Honjo will give a joint presentation on the earthquake that hit Yogyakarta and how people support the recovery. The Indonesian team reports the present situation of Indonesia. Part 1: Solidarity for Jogja 1: The situation of the epicenter and a state after an earthquake disaster 2: How is support such as food performed? The Waseda team focus on educational issue, especially paying attention to the needs from schools. Part 2: The Situations of Schools around Jogja 1: A current class and the situation Many schools near Yogyakarta were reported to have been seriously damaged. What kind of situation are students studying in afterwards? 2: The reason why they come to school? What motivate Indonesian students come to schools, even though their schools are damaged? 3: What support can we offer? Based on our reports, we would like to present our approach of supporting Indonesian people.