WYM2003 WYM2003 − 

50th Anniversary of Nihon Fukushi Univ.
10:00〜16:20 July 27, 2003

Mihama Campus R120, Nihon Fukushi Univ.

Time Content Presenters

10:00 Opening Speech Mr. Hosaka, Seering Committee Chief
Guest Speeches Mr. Kuwabara from MEXT
Emeritus Prof. Mitsukoshi from Osaka Univ.
A Representative from South Africa Embassy
Mr. Ohkubo, NEE Chair
10:30 Keynote Speech Prof. Katsuaki Suzuki, Iwate Pref. Univ.
10:50 Keynote Speech Prof. Sheila Hones, Tokyo Univ.
11:10 Presentation 1 Nihon Fukushi Univ.
11:25 Presentation 2 Yokkaichi Nishi H.S. & Inabe H.S.
11:40 Presentation 3 Okinawa Syogaku H.S. & Taiwan H.S. TV Conference with Taiwan
12:00 Lunch At the Univ. Cafateria
13:00 Music Session Nanzan Int. H.S. and others
13:20 Primary Sch. Anton P.S & Nishinasuno-minai P.S
13:40 Presentation 4 Fukui C.H.S. & Taiwan H.S. TV Conference with Taiwan
14:00 Presentation 5 Tokyo Int. Univ. & Vietnam Int. Students
14:20 Presentation 6 Kawasaki C.H.S & Zimbabwe Int. Students
14:40 Break
15:00 Presentation 7 Utsunomiya Univ. & Chinese Int. Students
15:20 Presentation 8 Ogi Comprehensive H.S. & Prof. Adams
15:40 Reflection Cyukyo Univ.
16:00 Comment Emeritus Prof. Mitsukoshi from Osaka Univ.
16:20 Closing Speech Nihon Fukushi Univ

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