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An Amazing Success!! Pictures of 3rd and 4th of Aug.2017
New! Video Clips: Students Collaborative Presentations!
Welcome Message
The WYM is not merely an
Nor is it an English
presentation competition!
Participating schools
Program 3rdi13:00-j, 4thi9:30-j of Aug. English “ú–{Œê
Program here. Brochour
International Students
English NEW!! Students Presentations Video Clips@!!!
@@What's ƒ[ƒ‹ƒhƒ†[ƒXWYM at a Glance
@@@@@@@@@International Collaborative Project designed by NFU students :
Criteria to students performance
Previous event@Aug.7 to Aug.8, 2016@Photos
Program 2016
Amazing Success :
WELCOME To Our Site!!(Since April.2014) iToday )
Theme: My Identity as a member of the International Community u‘ێЉï‚ÆŽ„v
Digest of WYM
Digest of WYM2013
Nihon Fukushi University Tokai Campus Map@(Aichi,Japan)
Participating Countries: Taiwan, Cambodia, Philippines, Malaysia, Korea, Indonesia.
Report of 2011
@@For Effective Presentation
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@ˆ¤’mŒ§,“ŒŠCŽsA”ü•l’¬Aˆ¤’mŒ§‹³ˆçˆÏˆõ‰ï,ŽOdŒ§‹³ˆçˆÏˆõ‰ï, Šò•ŒŒ§‹³ˆçˆÏˆõ‰ï, “ŒŠCŽs‹³ˆçˆÏˆõ‰ïA‘ä˜p‚—YŽs•{‹³ˆç‹ÇAŒö‰và’c–@l–¼ŒÃ‰®‘ÛƒZƒ“ƒ^[@ˆê”ÊŽÐ’c–@l“ú–{‹³ˆçî•ñ‰»U‹»‰ïiJAPET&CEC),
NEW Educational EXPOŽÀsˆÏˆõ‰ï