Name :Simbarashe Befura
Country :Zimbabwe
University :National University Of Science & Technology
great success!
name: Jessica Longbottom
school name: St Vincent's College, Potts Point, Sydney
e-mail address:
2 e-mail, internet pages. it worked well.
3 I thought the presentations of all the other countries were absolutely
amazing. A lot of the technology I saw I didn't even know existed. I was very honoured to be among a very talented group of people. It took a lot of courage to get up and talk in front of everyone and I think everyone was very brave. Part of my presentation that I really liked was the sattelite link to Australia. I thought that that was absolutely amazing and felt very priveliged to be involved.4
Satellite hook up to Australia5
I now know a lot more about the internet then I did before and I realise how much it can help us build up international relations. I now am a lot more thankful for the technology I have access to.6 I would love to do another project similar to this one again, and go to another country and experience another culture. Or have people come here and experience my culture! I think that is wonderful that we can break down international barriers. Maybe the next conference should be focussed less on the internet and more on International relations and breaking down the barriers of culture.
8 I think it would be possible, but maybe a lot harder communicating between countries.
> 1 what was most impressive things for you after coming Japan.
As soon as I arrived in Japan I was surprised by everything. Absolutely everything is different to life as I know it in Australia. I was most impressed by peoples kindness. Everyone is willing to do anything for you. The most surprising thing was the onsen. I went in one and I was very embarrassed I'm glad I did go in it though. It was a lot of fun and a good experience. I was also surprised when I went to Tsu and found the "Australian" map of the world. That was very funny. All up I absolutely love the people in Japan. They are very kind.
2 what is the very Japanese things or attitude that you encountered?
Smoking is very much accepted, and I thought it was very funny how in the Tsu council building there was a little hut for smokers which was supposed to be good for the non-smokers. It didn't seem to be doing anything much to me. Sometimes Japanese people try to much to help, and they worry to much about people. Also, many Japanese males are sexist. They make the females do all the work and I find this very annoying. I was lucky cause I didn't have to do much cause I'm a foreigner, but Japanese women have to do heaps of work.
3 Compared to the image toward to Japan or other countries before
>meeting together, did you change your image to them.
> > Country name before after
Japan. I really didn't know what to expect from Japan but I thought
it was absolutely great after I had been
Zimbabwe I probably didn't think the schools and internet was so good over there until Simba's talk.Paua new Guinea. I learnt a lot about our neighbours during the conference.
I didn't know that much before going and meeting Bonnie and Will.
Germany. I thought German people were confident, and I definitely was not
Taiwan. I had no idea that life in Taiwan was so different to the life I live. They do so much that we don't!
Korea. I had no idea how culturally rich Korea is. I never knew about it's
links to Japan either.
4 any comment ?
>The conference was absolutely great. i had a terrific time and I'm
very grateful to everyone who organised it.